The VA Last Resort Program & Spring Drama in Real Estate

It’s whiplash-central in real estate and mortgage this spring. Home sales came in short in March even though inventory has been cruising along as expected. Obviously rate volatility is messing with the whole system, but it looks like the VA has come up with a solution for Veterans in need…will it work?

***VA officials said any veteran struggling with making their mortgage payments should check out the department’s housing assistance website or call (877) 827-3702.

Inflation is making it harder to buy and refinance homes, but can you STILL DO IT?

Last week’s inflation readings were a hefty punch to the gut for housing. Interest rates immediately rose on the same day. This continued inflation wreaks havoc on major parts of the economy, and housing is already in the spotlight as one of the culprits. Additionally, there’s a long shadow cast on whether or not we will return to ANY consumer prices of the past.

6 Potential Scenarios for Veterans After Rule Changes

Another week down and we’re nowhere closer to a solution for VA buyers. The upcoming commission changes due to the settlement in the National Association of Realtors lawsuit directly impacts a VA buyers ability in HOW they make their first (or next) home purchase. Additionally, the FHA program is also ramping up for how to handle their rules as a result of this same settlement while the Spring housing market keeps warming up.